Introducing Lili Loyalty

Uncover a world of exclusive benefits and rewards.
How It Works
Become a Member
Sign up for free and ignite your journey to glisten with rewards every time you shop
Earn Points
Earnings shine bright with every order and achievement, elevating your status
Get Rewarded
Redeem points for radiant discounts, unlocking higher tiers of luxury
Earn Points
We value our community and believe you deserve to be rewarded.
Discover The Rewards
Check out our discounts.
Level 1 Level 1 <$1,000
  • ✷ 1 Point Per Dollar
  • ✷ Rewards (2,000 points = $20)
Level 2 Level 2 $1,000 — $5,000
  • ✷ 1 Point Per Dollar
  • ✷ Rewards (2,000 points = $20)
Level 3 Level 3 5,000 — $10,000
  • ✷ 2 Points Per Dollar
  • ✷ Rewards (2,000 points = $20)
  • ✷ Early access to new collections
  • ✷ Exclusive private shopping event
Level 4 Level 4 >$10,000
  • ✷ 3 Points Per Dollar
  • ✷ Rewards (2,000 points = $20)
  • ✷ Early access to new collections
  • ✷ Exclusive private shopping event
  • ✷ Gift with purchase on every collection


How do I join Lili Loyalty?
Joining Lili Loyalty is quick and easy, simply create an account on our website and opt-in to the program. You will automatically start earning points with your first purchase!
Is Lili Loyalty free to join?
Yes! It’s completely free! There are no membership fees or hidden costs. It’s just our way of saying thank you for being a loyal customer!
How do I earn points?
You can earn points in a variety of ways! Points are earned by making purchases, following us on our social media sites, submitting product reviews, referring friends and more! The more points you earn, the higher your loyalty tier, which unlocks even more rewards and benefits.
How do I redeem rewards?
Make sure you are logged into your account, redeem your points for $$ off your purchase with a coupon, and apply the coupon code at checkout! Coupons cannot be combined.
What happens to my points if I return a purchase?
If you make a return, the points you earned from the purchase will be deducted from your account.